May he live! - ορισμός. Τι είναι το May he live!
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Τι (ποιος) είναι May he live! - ορισμός

Live at the Botanique - 9th-12th May, 2001; Live at the Botanique – 9th-12th May, 2001; Live at the Botanique – 9–12 May 2001; Live at the Botanique - 9-12 May 2001

HE; He (disambiguation); H.E.; H.e.; He.; HE (disambiguation); H E; He's; He (language)
¦ pronoun [third person singular]
1. used to refer to a man, boy, or male animal previously mentioned or easily identified.
2. used to refer to a person or animal of unspecified sex (in modern use, now largely replaced by 'he or she' or 'they').
3. any person (in modern use, now largely replaced by 'anyone' or 'the person').
¦ noun a male; a man.
OE he, he, of Gmc origin.
Until quite recently he was used to refer to a person of unspecified sex, as in every child needs to know that he is loved. However, this use is now regarded as old-fashioned or sexist. One alternative, which is gaining acceptance in both speech and writing, is to use they instead of he (everyone needs to feel that they matter), especially where it occurs after an indefinite pronoun such as everyone or someone. Another alternative is he or she, though this can become long-winded when used frequently.
HE; He (disambiguation); H.E.; H.e.; He.; HE (disambiguation); H E; He's; He (language)
¦ contraction
1. he is.
2. he has.
HE; He (disambiguation); H.E.; H.e.; He.; HE (disambiguation); H E; He's; He (language)
¦ abbreviation
1. high explosive.
2. His Eminence.
3. His or Her Excellency.


Live at the Botanique – 9th–12th May, 2001

Live at the Botanique – 9th-12th May, 2001 is a live album by Tindersticks. The album was the first in a series of 'official bootlegs', and was only available during the band's October 2001 tour.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για May he live!
1. At the end of the month, the man who decides will celebrate his 88th birthday, may he live until 120!
2. Like another central figure in the Israeli peace movement, Uri Avneri (may he live long), he was both a bohemian and an ideologist.
3. May your baby be blessed, and may he live a long, happy, and healthy life. – Jessica Abrahams, Martinez, CA, USA View all Add your comment Name: Your email address will not be publishedEmail: Town and country: Terms and conditionsYour comment: make text area biggerYou have characters left.
4. Prince Philip has been a power for good in this country and long may he live. – John P Most, Cambridge UK View all Add your comment Name: Your email address will not be publishedEmail: Town and country: Terms and conditionsYour comment: make text area biggerYou have characters left.
5. As Samuel Johnson said, "when a man knows that he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully." It isn‘t that such a sentence, heaven forefend, is hovering over Prime Minister Ehud Olmert‘s head, may he live long and well.